Do Gazebos Add Value to Your Home?

Having a gazebo in your garden will give you a quiet space to relax outside or enjoy dining with your friends and family. A gazebo is also a beautiful addition to your home which adds character and enhances the luxury appeal of your property by flowing seamlessly into your outdoor space.

When thinking about getting a gazebo, you may ask yourself, does a gazebo add value to your home? Well, in short, the answer is yes, a gazebo can add value to your home. Let’s find out more about exactly how much value a gazebo can add and the factors that can affect this.

What factors can affect the value of a gazebo?

A garden gazebo can widen the appeal of your home to potential buyers and increase its resale value; however, there are a number of factors that can play into this including size and location.


Whether you opt for small, medium or large, the size of your gazebo will impact how much value is added to your home. 

With this said, it’s worth remembering that bigger doesn’t always mean better! Above all, what’s most important is that your gazebo fits into your garden. This means that your gazebo should be proportionate to the space and match the surrounding aesthetic – you don’t want your gazebo to dominate!

Take the Chalfont gazebo from our range as an example. The Chalfont is a 2.6 metre luxury gazebo that can serve as an ornamental feature in a traditional garden or add character to a smaller garden.

Chalfont 2.6M luxury gazebo

This being said, if you have enough space, a large gazebo such as the Hambleden or Lambourn looks fabulous and offers a versatile structure for multiple purposes, such as a hot tub or BBQ area or a garden bar or dining area. 

Lambourn 4.8M luxury gazebo


The location of your gazebo can have a significant impact on the value it brings to your home. For instance, if you live by the River Thames, a garden gazebo is a highly desirable feature to have in your garden for those looking to soak up the sun and enjoy the best of the British weather. It’s even better if you have magnificent views from your garden, providing a peaceful backdrop to relax outside.

How much value does a gazebo add to your home? 

According to studies by Post Office Money, landscaping your garden can increase the resale value of your property by up to 77% – that’s more than redoing your kitchen! This includes maintaining the lawn, planting flowers and shrubs, and incorporating more ornamental and functional features, such as a luxury wooden gazebo. 

Chiltern Garden Building gazebo’s start at £8,300, a worthwhile investment that could see a significant return in the long-run, especially if you are able to set the scene for new homeowners and sell your property along with all the future memories to be made.

However, it’s not all about creating value for future buyers but for yourself. When it comes to building a gazebo, you have full control over how it looks and can create a beautiful structure to project your style and add personality to your garden. Whether it’s gazebo decorations or nifty upgrades, like hot tubs or BBQs, there are so many different ways to add a personal touch and create a functional space to complement your lifestyle.

How to choose the right gazebo for you

A Chiltern Garden gazebo is built with high-quality redwood by expert craftsmen, and is engineered to last the test of time. We offer a selection of stunning gazebos, including smaller models Aston and Fawley, medium models Chalfont and Burford and large models Hambleden. With our installation, you can enjoy a hassle-free process from start to finish.

Browse our wooden gazebo range or get in touch with our team for more information.


What Makes Our Luxury Gazebos some of The Best?


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